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What should I expect from my first session?

You will be required to fill out a client intake and privacy form . Afterward, the therapist will begin by asking you general questions to establish what areas you would like worked on, if there are any conditions needing to be addressed, and determine if massage is appropriate for you. It is important to list all health concerns and medications so the therapist can adapt the session to your specific needs. It is also important to list any allergies so the therapist is aware if he/she needs to use a different oil or lotion during the session.

How early should I arrive for my massage?

New clients should arrive at least 10 minutes prior to their massage to fill out paperwork and meet with their therapist prior to their treatment.  Returning clients should arrive 5 minutes prior to their session to allow for time to get on the treatment table.

What do I do during a massage treatment?

Make yourself comfortable. If your therapist wants you to adjust your position, they will either move you or will ask you to move what is needed. Many people close their eyes and relax completely during a session; others prefer to talk. It’s up to you. It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time.

How long will a massage treatment last?

All massage treatments begin and end on time. You are more than welcome to arrive 10 minutes early for your session to allow time to get on the table without interfering with your scheduled time.

60 Minute and 90 Minute Massages: 

The average full-body massage treatment lasts approximately one hour or longer if you choose.

Many people prefer a 60-120 minute session for optimal relaxation or for extra time on focus areas.

The pressure isn't deep enough, but I don't want to complain. What do I do?

You are encouraged to openly communicate with the massage therapist about your preferences and comfort. If anything needs to be adjusted (pressure, temperature, position), or if we are almost (but not quite) getting the right spot, just speak up and let your therapist know! Your therapist's goal is to make the session your own.

However, it is a myth that massage therapy needs to hurt in order to be effective. Some of the most effective techniques involve very light, gentle touch. Often, too much pressure can cause muscles to tighten further, and detract from the effectiveness of your treatment.

How can I book an appointment?

Call Amanda at The Massage Loft at (978) 424-8154 and I will be happy to find a time that works for you!

What if I am arriving late to my scheduled appointment time?

Please arrive on time for your appointment. Time for your appointment has been reserved just for you. If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. I will do my best to provide you with the services you have booked, but I cannot guarantee the full time if you arrive late.  Full payment for your scheduled services will be expected.

Are same day appointments available?

Same day appointments may become available if there are cancellations, but booking in advance is always recommended, especially if you need certain days or times!

How will I feel after my massage session?

Most individuals feel very relaxed. Some experience a significant decrease in long-term aches and pains. Many feel a little slowed down for a short period and then notice an increase of energy. 

If you received a deep tissue massage, you may be slightly sore the next day - like a good workout at the gym. A hot shower or an epsom salt soak in the tub can ease this soreness.

After your session, you should increase your water intake. Just a glass or two more than normal is usually fine. This helps keep your body’s tissues hydrated and healthy.

What do I wear during my massage?

Whatever you are comfortable with! Your massage therapist will give you privacy to undress to your comfort level, and you will lay on the table underneath the sheet and blanket. You will be covered and draped professionally with a sheet and blanket at all times except for the area(s) being worked on.

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